Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Giving back

Sunday evening we attended a very special community gathering. The priest of our little country church is retiring after fifty years of service. Can you believe that...for fifty years he has lived in the little house offered by the church and has given his life to the community. Just imagine the number of services and ceremonies he has conducted...how many baptisms, first communions, weddings, funerals...how many people have been touched by his presence.

"there is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life...happiness, freedom, and peace of mind...are always obtained by giving them to someone else." ~ Peyton Conway March

This has my mind racing...motivating me to find more ways to give back some of the wonderful I have received from others in this life.

On a lighter note, the Vescovo (Bishop) has not been able to find a replacement for the priest. So Sunday night he announced he will continue to lead some of the services, but when he needs a break, he is going to take one. Something else to keep in mind...

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